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Everything posted by God

  1. 16p il;l start the bidding
  2. just remember 4gb ram nvidia graphics card a decent hard drive/sound drive the rest is up to you
  3. agreed at the 3rd one
  4. you mean she dumped you?
  5. please. call it football we made it we named it
  6. theirs a shoutcast mod aint their for vb use that :)
  7. whats the best feeling you ever had? personally mine was when we played against a teamcalled pinkston 4-0 down at half time getting hammerd then in the 2nd half we pulled back to 4-3 then i got put upfront with about 15 mins to go and banged a hat trick ended up winning 4-6 then i got home in the bath with cuts and bruises all on my legs cause i worked hard. best feeling ever
  8. done credits
  9. i would have just posted the forum link but idk if thats against the rules or not
  10. this is ripped of another forum im going to give you a step by Step Guide on how to get a Free 60GB HDD from Microsoft What you need 1. A Phone 2. A Brain What to do-60GB HDD 1. Call Microsoft at 1-800-4MY-XBOX begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-4MY-XBOX end_of_the_skype_highlighting or 1-800-469-9269 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-469-9269 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 2. Go to Technical Support 3. Accesories 4. From there it will ask you what it could help you with, say None of those 5. It will ask for your Info Give it your Legit info 6. When you get a hold of the Representative tell them that your 60GB HDD is turning your console off when ever you have it in your 360. Let them talk, than say its when ever you use your 60GB and when u put your 20GB in it works fine, they will go through some trouble shooting steps. Say you did all of them. They will say When did u get this Harddrive say like last month. 7. They will than say that they can replace it, and would you like to send it in? Say no because you have some stuff on it. They will say ok we will send you a replacement. 8. Wait a few days and BAM you have a new 60GB HDD Notes 1. I may have left some steps out 2. Works 75% of the time 3. If they say something else thats not listed use your brain 4. I have not tested with any other Hard Drive 5. This is how i got my 60GB HDD 6. Good Luck Wireless Adapter Well i've done this about 13 times 1 time for and all for my other friends so i say this works about 85% of the time. What to do 1. Call Microsoft at 1-800-4MY-XBOX begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-4MY-XBOX end_of_the_skype_highlighting or 1-800-469-9269 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-469-9269 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 2. Go to Technical Support 3. Accesories 4. From there it will ask you what it could help you with, say None of those 5. It will ask for your Info Give it your Legit info 6. When you get a hold of the Representative tell them that your Wireless adapter keeps flashing red when you plug it in and when you try to connect to xbox live it wont let you because its off. But it works 1/4th of the time so sometimes you can get online 7. They will go through some trouble shooting steps and say none of them worked but act as if you are doing it while they are telling you. 8. They will ask when you got it say last month 9. *Final step* they will ask for you to send it in say you would rather not because you can get online 1/4th of the time. They will say ok We will send you a replacement. And BAM now you need to wait some time to get it. Typing Pad works 25% of the time 1. Call Microsoft at 1-800-4MY-XBOX 2. Go to Technical Support 3. Accesories 4. From there it will ask you what it could help you with, say None of those 5. It will ask for your Info Give it your Legit info 6. When you get a hold of the Representative tell them that your Typing pad is acting up and making your controller not work. But you can still type with it. 7. They will go through some trouble shooting steps and than act as if you are doing it Than say none of them worked 8. They will ask you to send it in and say you would rather not because you are using it but when you play you need to take it out also mention that when its plugged in its more comfortable and you need something to more it comfortable 9. Wait for you Typing pad if they say they will send you a replacement. How to get free microsoftpoints Okay, this is how you can easily get free MS points, please make sure you have the fowling requirements... an account that has auto renewal on the last 4 digits on the CreditCard you used A phone Step1: call Xbox support at 1800-4MY- XBOX Step2: Choose "Account's and billing" Step3: when you get a person tell them you want to cancel your XBL subscription Step4: They will ask why, just make something up like "I dont like the lag, or its too much" Step5: They might ask what game you enjoyed, just say I cant name one Step6: The person should then say " Are you sure you want to cancel? what if we give you 800MSP? (Sometimes they offer 500) Step7: Say, ok ill stay Step8: keep repeating this process for more Step9: ????? Step10. PROFIT! (And maybe some more Profit) Please note: If they don't offer the points hang up and call again. Also if they dont offer anything, ask if they have any deals if I stay How to get a new xbox if banned or RROD It has to have warranty on it, it has to be within 3 years What your going to want to do are these steps 1 - Get your serial number 2 - Call 1800 4MY Xbox 3 - they will ask you what is wrong say you have e74 4 - they will ask for your information (Tell them real information) 5 - they will tell you to go to xbox.com and print your shipping label 6 - Put your xbox in a box and ship it. Thanks, hope I helped you out. :) credits: The paradox from se7ensins.com
  11. black eyed peas - meet me halfway
  12. God

    hey :)

    just thought id post a hey :) my name is connor i is a proud xbox owner and my fav games are cod 4 cod 5 cod 6 forza 3 fifa 10 my fav sports are football formula 1 cricket
  13. God


    yeh but compared to a safety car the media was probably easy imagine how hard it would be to make one plus theyve only had about a year and a half to make this game
  14. aha managers son benefits? im a vital key to my team never get substituted can play any position
  15. God


    they was on a tight schedule to get the game out for release and insted of having a really buggy safety car their saving it for f1 2011
  16. God


    downsides: no formation lap no safety car
  17. great any news wheather we have scavenger/OMA?
  18. God


    yeh its got a wheather system and the lot and the graphics look stunning
  19. http://i36.tinypic.com/ofsdx3.png
  20. straight and proud of it
  21. God


    http://www.extravaganzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/16Bugatti-Veyron-16.4-Super-Sport.jpg how about one of them on ur driveway?
  22. God


    any one considering getting this? looks to be one of the best racing games ever released [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-2YdpdAV8c[/ame] thats the latest developer diary
  23. im up for it i cant code but im pretty good at managing a hotel :) and has lots of experience with phpretro/holo
  24. it looks to over powerd for my liking the only thing that could ruin it now is noob tubes and i dont think ive seen any yet
  25. sold
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