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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Fuck, how the hell do you do that?
  2. Yeah I also do make money, over ?200+ a month. I sell Facebook fan pages to record companies that need to sell their shizzle. If you don't believe me I can show you my Paypal recieved payments, or you could just ask Jordan from all the expensive shiz he's seen on my webcam. (:
  3. Not at all. I just made ?50 this week for working like 3 hours a day, the other 21 are mine to what the fuck I like.
  4. As mentioned above, over here in the UK you need to be 16 to work. Also I there are alot of job's out there that work at 1AM and would accept someone my age. (sarcasm) :clown:
  5. You need to be 16 to work, I'm almost at that age, like another 3 Months. I'd also rather keep my Virginity to myself for the time being
  6. No really, you need to get laid, get a job or something! Why do nothing, when you can do nothing and get paid?
  7. Why not sexually? I can get FailScene tatooed on my dick if you like?
  8. Maybe in colour but not style xD
  9. :o - The prize is that you get a hand drawn medal from Jordan saying how many hours you stayed online FailScene e.g. Here's mine http://i33.tinypic.com/ouytr6.jpg also I wrote FailScene on my desk xD
  10. So it's Official. I have stayed online on Fail Scene for 24 Hours straight. ;D Over this 24 Hour Period I have done many things: - Made a Web Browser - Start Fail Scene YouTube account with Jordan :D - Do a few rounds of Nazi Zombies with Jordan - Write this on my desk ♥ http://i35.tinypic.com/2rejpsp.jpg (Jordan Dared Me xD) - Write a Guide on how to watch Hulu.com Shows in the UK - Drink a Carton of Orange Juice in like 10 Seconds (Ask Jordan, he saw me do it xD) - Show Jordan my muscles xD - Help Jordan set up his EasyCap - Drunk 12 Cans of Coke - 3 Sausage Rolls - Showed Jordan my Room - Showed Jordan how fucked up my eyes are ;D - 2 Wanks and Jordan even made me a 24 Hour Medal :D http://i33.tinypic.com/ouytr6.jpg ♥ ;D duke
  11. Pfftt, plants can't smoke!
  12. Heheh, Thanks. I'm not brilliant at this, but If I work on it for long enough and read enough Visual Basic tutorials I'll get the hang of it eventually. ;D
  13. Your persuasion skills are overwhelming. You've brought me to apply.
  14. What the fuck are you all talking about? It's definitely anything nintendo related like Super Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Sonic.
  15. Unless.. of course you'd like to take me on? :D I can be active if I want. It's the summer fgs!
  16. Woah, how does it do that? http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e378/PerroDelPantano/awesome/eyes_001.jpg
  17. Sorry for the double post, but I just thought I'd let you all know I've given up on this. Well I haven't really given up, just decided not to make it. The audience I'm trying to create for, is just too wide and I'd have to cover everything to suit all needs. I could release a basic system, but it's probably just worth making your own.
  18. I'd apply, but i'm just not active enough.
  19. v1.0.0.6 Current Dowload Link: Here So I got bored and decided to make my own Web Browser. Yeah yeah I know there are thousands of problems with it at the moment, but I'm going to be working on this for a while so you should expect a usable Web Browser. Also with the interface I'm going to do that last, so don't complain. Also FSWeb is Fail Scene Web, I couldn't think of another name. Also don't say this is easy to make or easy to fix, this is some of my first coding in vb and am still learning ;D - A Web Browser is by far probably one of the easiest things to make in vb. Other than a phisher. Known Bugs/Errors - When you press Enter after entering an address, nothing happens. Red = Error that needs fixing Orange = Currently Working On Green = Fixed/Done Older Versions: v0.5 Updates Okay so I've done enough so that it can now be used as a proper web browser. If you'd like to download it, please click here. :) If you can find any bugs or anything in it. Please post in the thread and I'll get it sorted out. The only issue I'm trying to deal with is hitting enter instead of clicking on GO When you enter a Web Address. I tried to make the interface as neat and as tidy as I possibly could to make it look more professional. I have also added tabs and bookmarks and history. Enjoy! (:
  20. oh dear god, not one of these threads xD Anywho.. 4 ;D
  21. Banned for proving me wrong.
  22. Hahah, Nice one kenji ;D and here's my entry. http://i37.tinypic.com/2q998h3.png In case you don't know what it is. It's FailScene.com when it failed. ;D
  23. Banned for not offering me any more Bubble Gum. :(
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