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Everything posted by MxRE

  1. Sounds fucking awesome. Thanks for this release/tutorial mate. I will try it out for Australia xD
  2. Hello and welcome to the forum buddy! I wish you a lovely stay.
  3. Lmfao, true that. Welcome to the forum mate. I wish you a great stay, and remember to obey the forum rules
  4. Sounds awesome mate. Anyway, welcome to the forum. I wish you great luck with your future goals in becoming a developer.
  5. Lmfao, welcome to the forum mate. I hope to see you stick around.
  6. This was defiantly a great loader maker. As far as I know, this has died out now. I am personally thinking of creating a new one myself, and seeing how shit falls out.
  7. That looks quite nice mate, well done. Although, current is fine..
  8. LMFAO, this is quite funny tbh. I don't think chicks would be stupid enough to fall for this, unless they're blonde xD.
  9. I'm liking the current message: "Did you know that I am the master of sex". LMFAO. Yeah, I defiantly like the idea of a daily message, and then leave room somewhere around the top left/top right for an advertisement box. I know a friend who may pay for an advertisement.
  10. [ame] [/ame] Another fucking awesome song that has Weezy in it.
  11. Yeah, that would fucking hurt, rofl. I will stay online for 15 hours and um.. get 15 referrals? D;
  12. I'd rather get a job and get some cash tbh.
  13. You both are rangers xD
  14. 2 wanks? LMFAOOOO You need to get laid man, nah jokes.
  15. Who gives a fuck if it's old. It's good shit. Yes, Weezy is for the win. He is in jail and still throwin' out mad as freestyles.
  16. [ame] [/ame] Most amazing song ever ;]
  17. Glad to see the forum's back up and running smoothly. I have also enjoyed the recent increase of popularity and traffic. I have been advertising a bit.
  18. Sounds awesome mate. I can help you out with some of the issues you're having, if need be. Although, probably not at the moment as I'm busy as fuck. Sounds overall good though. I look forward to seeing further progress with it.
  19. Michael looks like a sexy lad, LOL xD Me: http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss210/Hayd3n/lol.jpg
  20. Wow, I love this idea man. I am getting a new recorder soon, so I can start uploading some of my elite kills.
  21. LMFAO, amazing plant indeed. I think the plant's smoking something.
  22. MxRE

    Cooking Mama

    It is a fucking shit game, tbh. Nintendo DS is a shit way of gaming, anyway. Maybe check out mw2 on Xbox 360.
  23. Congratulations with your position, Matt. I might just send in an application.. not sure.
  24. I've had a pretty shit day, to be honest. I've been sick for a week now, and it's not getting any better. I spent most of the day in bed.
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