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Everything posted by MxRE

  1. That video is lame D;
  2. MxRE

    Heeey (:

    Thanks, and will do, ahaha.
  3. Thanks for the share mate. I found: Jetski across the Pacific Ocean really funny xD
  4. Lmfao, works fine ;3
  5. Hi, sup. It just occurred that in all of the time that I have been here, I have not yet created an introduction thread D; Anyway, I'm Hayden. I live in Melbourne, Australia and it's my birthday today (7th of August). I turned 16, haha. I love forums, coding, scripting on shit, sport (mainly AFL) and a lot of others things. Anyway, feel free to add my msn: mcpwnz@live.com.au Peace!
  6. MxRE


    Lmfao, it's gone D; http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwjXqKf20Y2PDY3Fa1LDjXMiNnb3pG8W6L-orPBo6zwtLyWus&t=1&usg=__Ro1Z8MG22iCImrnRvsXENDHm5Cs= 'Tis quite hot.
  7. Lmfao, that's exactly what I was thinking. Anyway, also check out You're Never Over by Eminem.
  8. You're never over - Eminem ;]
  9. Yeah, who cares what our post counts are tbh. I believe to keep the post count enabled for that section to help make the stats grow a bit. After we get a bigger, then remove post count ;]
  10. Yeah, but staff do not count D; Also, I don't clone accounts, lmfao.
  11. Banned for being a subscriber x]
  12. Cya buddy. Have a nice trip and I look forward to seeing your return ^_^
  13. Pretty good song. Now I got some remix by Fat Joe crankin'
  14. I am now listening to Spacebound by Eminem ;3
  15. MxRE


    That car looks trippy Lew. I will get some beasts right now ;3
  16. MxRE


    LOOL, funny shit right there.
  17. Well, you obviously haven't been here a minute, because you have no clue what FailScene is like. You honestly need to grow up. I would love to see you make a forum? kthx.
  18. It's easy to just check IP address of the accounts for cloning.. I am winning at the moment. ;D
  19. LMFAO Michael, I'm sure they do Dan, I swear I've seen you irl looking jus' like that.
  20. I would defiantly have to say Family Guy. I love it x]
  21. I'm in bed with my laptop. It's 8:30am over here in Australia :D
  22. Right now, I am listening to Make Way by Lil Wayne ft. Fat Joe and Birdman.
  23. Congratulations on your well earned position Duke. I look forward to seeing how you go x]
  24. Looks fucking yummy. I think I will invest in this game
  25. MxRE


    Nice to meet you buddy, and welcome to the forum. x]
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