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Everything posted by MxRE

  1. Hell yah, that's how we roll. Nah, this thread was just a big troll when I got bored before x]
  2. Thanks for the share, but in the future give credits please.
  3. Thanks for the great feedback man. It was just quickly off the top of my head. They're mostly tips more then cheats anyway.
  4. Agreed. NLStyle, it seems like you got.. mad or jealous or something that I posted these. Honestly, I god damn said they were tips too. --"
  5. Nice share mate. My thread was more tips, not cheats.
  6. WOW, that's awesome man. Well done! You've done great with this x]
  7. Hmm, failhotel.failscene.com or something along those lines would do well, I guess. You could then link it to the forum or some shit.
  8. Fucking awesome guide/tutorial mate. Thanks a lot, real helpful x]
  9. Well, right now it's resting on my chin x]
  10. LMFAO, that's fucking funny and weird at the same time. Nice share x]
  11. Don't use almost exactly the same name as this forum. I suggest maybe.. Strike Hotel. I don't know tbh, just think of an original name.
  12. Lmfao, banned for it isn't true ;3
  13. I know what you mean mista meany ;[ Banned for still being my lovaaaaa
  14. Nah, banned for being my lover ;3 + Yeah, that was funny. PWNT DUKE ;3
  15. Banned for living in England where everybody drinks tea and has fucked up teeth.
  16. Banned because you smoke pot
  17. Banned for being odd.
  18. Haha, true. Banned for idk.
  19. Banned for being on here all da time.
  20. Yeah, well get a VPS, domain etc. and then I'd love to help out.
  21. Maybe they copied them?
  22. LMFAO, you are a horny man. Mine is typing ;3
  23. I would. Old school retros are fun ;3 The hotel would have to be going some where and be managed well, though.
  24. No? I got them from the top of my head.
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