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Everything posted by Tyler

  2. I would, I hate mine.
  3. Taken, I thought of something like TV
  4. Thanks guys :3
  5. No, there's enough colours as it is and barely anyone changed the colour of their font anyway.
  6. Because they love me that much xD.. They're always like busy anyway. They have like 5K -40k Subscribers on YouTube
  7. Why've your friends left the thinking up to you?
  8. I still can't think of one xD No, I'd get called a copy. :3
  9. The title says it all. :kiss:
  10. Well I think we've covered the streaming laws there, courtesy of GhostSnyper. :D I guess it just depends on where the shoutcast is hosted.
  11. Yeah, basically they can't do shit with no proof?
  12. Yeah, personally I was mindfucked, but nevermind. I think I'm taking it out of proportion a little, but it's all just precautionary.
  13. F@G. (Federation of Asshole gamers) You heard of them before? Basically a group of people who go around pissing people off. Some videos are really funny. You could change it to, Federation of Gamers?
  14. ohai, So I'm starting a YouTube channel with a couple of friends and I need a good name for it. It's going to be a gaming channel and videos will be uploaded from the community. Also I will be doing like top 5 stuff... So help me with name please :D I Already thought of: CallingOfDuty but I need more suggestions that aren't taken, thanks ;D
  15. To be honest, I'm happy with anything. Whatever you can make best.
  16. I don't do tutorials, I'm lazy xD I ♥ you Though
  17. Um, no. xD
  18. PLEASE, Thumbs up the video for epicness [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VF3RT3Ohs8[/ame]
  19. I LOL'd. Thanks for this xD
  20. Yeah, RaGESCAPE 2.0, his JAVA server has this at the moment. Progress is slow on his C# 3.0 server.
  21. It can work with Hiscores, but XP values and such would be all over the place if you have a big server, unless you put a check on every minute or so. It's probably just easier to do it so that the values are updated when you log out.
  22. Basically TCP > HTTP allows the site and game to communicate. You don't have to log out though, so the communication is live. Say you had a bank page on the site, anything you put in the bank on the game, would appear on the bank page several seconds, maybe milliseconds, later.
  23. I'm thinking outside the box, just to make sure it's all kept inside the box, if you know what I mean.
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