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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Surely Apple were clever enough to put in a proof of purchase system in there somewhere though?
  2. Fairplay. I'm content! :D
  3. Oh yeah, definitely. But you'll all regret it.
  4. Of haboons... Besides, we're not guaranteed the activity. The server either brings activity, or it doesn't.
  5. Banned for having a fictional character in your avatar.
  6. No it wouldn't. We don't want a shit load of haboons swarming the forum.
  7. I hate habbo, so no.
  8. Banned for sigview.
  9. Clan system, TCP > HTTP or whatever the shit is, forums?
  10. Nope, you still need permission regardless of whether or not you've bought it or not. And it does ask registered users Steve.
  11. Also banned for being awesome.
  12. Banned for being Steve :3
  13. I've seen that before. You can just modify that vB rules mod.
  14. Banned for thinking I thought sigview was cool.
  15. Fully understand. One thing I'm really worried about is the streaming license. We need a license to stream, not to mention, we have to have permission to stream by the artists. I don't think it's been stressed enough, and it's a really serious problem.
  16. If you'd rather make the Admin's something aware of this then contact them via PM or MSN.
  17. Great song, just sayin'
  18. I'd rather make the admins aware that 30 people are doing it, than them being unaware of 2 or 3.
  19. It's not that, it's the fact now that before you opened up this thread probably 1 or 2 Members on this Forum knew about this. Now that you have opened up this thread and explained what it is, everyone is going to be doing it perhaps. They may even get away with it
  20. So? They've already been warned that if they use it they'll get banned.
  21. I didn't use it and I just got an amazing score on Space Invaders. Also you probably just told the whole Forums how to hack scores with Temper Data
  22. I'm pretty sure most 5 year olds can handle a bit explicit material. My 4 year old brother swears, and listens to Eminem.
  23. PM me for mine.
  24. It could be called, Kieran's late night "songswithfuckloadsofswearinginthem" show!
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