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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. I've never been paintballing. :(
  2. Again, typing this message.
  3. Tyler


    He's going to have no idea he posted this in the morning. But welcome to the forums.
  4. Banned for being a Munkee
  5. It's the Broncos mate
  6. Aha, I remember that moment, I LOL'd so hard the first time I saw it xD
  7. Get in there my son, what team do you support?
  8. Eminem - I love the way you lie For like the 5th time in this topic xD
  9. Unfortunately my paypal is empty. Good luck selling it though (:
  10. 1 World, awesome
  11. Ah, I love Paint Balling. The first time I went was when I was like 11 xD If it wasn't for that I highly doubt I'd be gaming ;D
  12. Then what was with the whole tit's thing on Chat Roulette. xD
  13. I world is slowly dying as we know it. I try and do as much as I can for the planet. E.G Turn lights off around the house to save electricity. As stupid as it may seem, it does save alot of energy
  14. Tyler


    Welcome to Fail Scene, enjoy your stay, and be sure to read the Rules. :)
  15. A Hug?
  16. Let me know if it works.
  17. but what if you are just chilling on your computer and you don't want to download a song. O_o Makes more sense
  18. .22 rifles are shit. Why do you get a buzz out of firing that.. Try the L98 A2.
  19. Tyler

    Hai. :)

    Welcome to the forums!
  20. Tyler

    Hai. :)

    Welcome to the Forums. Enjoy your stay and make sure you read the Rules.
  21. Ahwell. There we go. It's just that it's also a 474 interface, so it didn't seem like a 317. The 317s are much worse.
  22. No.. Spotify isn't for downloading. Spotify is for listening to music. =_=
  23. My thoughts exactly.
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