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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Whats shameful, is that we only need like ?2. -.-
  2. Well we can host a thread with suggestions of flash/media player and also a Radio panel.
  3. Most certainly be applications. Any update on the financial situation?
  4. We can get a "mini-site" setup for the radio including a player, radio panel etc. Then all thats left is to conncet and stream from the shoutcast.
  5. I know that djakariuz is willing to pay for two subs, for himself and I, but I don't know when. Maybe we can get everything except the radio prepared and ready so we can have a swift opening?
  6. Michael wins ;D
  7. Yes, I remember hearing this earlier on in the year. I couldn't stop listening to it for weeks. I know all the lyrics as well xD
  8. I'm hoping you do!
  9. Yay ;D Edit: Ah right, my mistake Michael. So you have enough money in your paypal?
  10. Tyler


    Welcome to the Forums Wayne. Enjoy your stay and most of all make sure that you read the Rules.
  11. I think they just earn themselves Subscriber because they did something good for the site
  12. Most of the Subscribers haven't paid.
  13. [ame] [/ame] Song of the decade imo. A remix of Hoppipolla - Sigur Ros
  14. [ame] [/ame] Awesome mash-up by the one and only DJ Earworm.
  15. In the forum rules it quotes no illegal activity (or something along those lines). Warez = illegal
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